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Team Tong Spotlight with Ian Evison

Ian Evison After sales manager Tong Engineering

As part of our new Spotlight blog feature, we grab 15 minutes with a valued member of team Tong to highlight the invaluable role they play in ensuring we build relationships and equipment that lasts for generations to come.

We’re very proud of our friendly and forward-thinking culture here at Tong Engineering, and it is fuelled by the talented and experienced people we are proud to have as part of our workforce. We thrive on the commitment we share together at Tong; where it’s not just a job, it’s a shared passion to achieve the best for our company and our customers.

It’s busy times here at Tong Engineering, with our next generation washers, graders and complete turnkey handling solutions leaving the factory daily for customers in the UK and worldwide. So, whilst every department is a hive of activity, this week we managed to take 15 minutes out of Ian Evison’s day to chat to him about his role in our After Sales department. We’ve got family at heart, and like our previous spotlight candidate Luke, Ian is also joined in team Tong by a family member; his brother Paul, who plays a vital role in our metal preparation department (he’s also quite the comedian!). But its Ian’s length of service with the company that has earned him the title of ‘The Fountain of Knowledge’ in the After Sales department… what Ian doesn’t know about Tong equipment, new and old, is not worth knowing! And that’s especially true when it comes to ensuring minimal maintenance, maximum performance and the right spare part for the job. So lets get to know Ian a little bit more…

Job Role: After Sales Manager

Number of years worked at Tong: 24 years

What does your day-to-day at Tong involve?  Heading the After Sales office;  I oversee the operations of parts supply, as well as our ever-growing service and installation teams. My role also involves site visits, meeting with many new and existing customers. I ensure their needs and expectations of their Tong machinery are met, and in many cases, exceeded.

Describe Tong in 3 words:  Dependable, Caring and Busy!!

What makes you proud to work at Tong? The family ethic is still very strong within the company, despite the company almost doubling in size during my working life here.  The equipment we manufacture is constantly evolving to keep up with modern requirements, and Tong is always investing in R&D to ensure that we manufacture the most advanced systems that keep up with progresses in the industry.

What’s your favourite project you have worked on at Tong? It would have to be the carrot optical sorting line installation at MH Poskitts Ltd in Yorkshire.  The line design incorporated such a lot of equipment in a confined area and Poskitts are a really nice company to deal with.

What’s the best thing you have learned on the job? I have learnt many new skills during my time here, there isn’t a specific thing. Every day is a learning day! I would have to say however that the best lesson, that I use every day, is that the customer comes first… this is something very prevalent within our department.

If you weren’t living your dream at Tong, what would your dream job be?! A tough question as outside of work, there is the laid-back side of me that would be happy running a beach bar in Bali! But, being a Brit I have always had a keen interest in the weather so, a Meteorologist.

Do you have any secret talents or hobbies? I enjoy playing guitar and singing. I can also knock a golf ball around to a semi decent level. I am sure I also hold the town record for beer mat flipping!!!

What’s your favourite vegetable? Potato – it’s so versatile.

One word to describe our home county of Lincolnshire?  Home!

Favourite place to holiday? A road trip in the USA last year taking in California and Arizona, was a personal highlight in my life and fulfilled a long held dream. It was my first trip back to the states since 1997 when I visited Chicago, Indianapolis and St Louis.  I have been fortunate to travel to some great places in the world, but the USA would be my go to place – Texas is next on the list!

Thanks for your time Ian, before we wrap things up, can you play us a tune on the old guitar?!

Brilliant Ian, now we must get back to work!!…