The leading vegetable separator
The EasyClean is Tong’s industry-leading vegetable dirt eliminator which offers truly unmatched crop cleaning results in all conditions.
With inverter direct drive motors on every shaft, this easy clean separator is powered by Tong’s exclusive all-electric Blue-Inverter technology for the very best energy efficiency, minimal maintenance and ultimate control at the touch of a button.
With a proven track record since its launch almost 15 years ago, the EasyClean is widely known as the most effective dirt eliminator on the market, for dependable performance whatever the weather.
in all conditions
The Easy Clean offers truly unrivalled crop cleaning performance and control, with exceptional results on a wide variety of crop, in wet and dry conditions.
As well as offering exceptionally effective grip and removal of debris including roots, soil, clod and leaf-matter, the EasyClean is very gentle and effective on a wide variety or crop.
high throughput
Available as a 4, 6 or 8-row machine, in standard widths of 1.2m, 1.6m, 1.8m and 2.4m, the EasyClean can effectively clean up to
80 tons of crop per hour.
Heavy Duty Spiral Shafts
The EasyClean is built with uprated heavy duty spiral shafts with unique Helix rib and axial air chamber, ensuring the best deformation of the spiral for effective self-dirt eliminating and the best possible grip on leaf matter.
Water Spray Bar
The EasyClean is fitted with a fine water spray bar above the cleaning rollers, giving a fully-controlled option to spray the crop with a fine jet of water to enhance the dirt eliminating process in dry conditions.
The EasyClean features Tong’s Blue Inverter Technology with an electric direct drive motor on every shaft, offering the very best energy efficiency as well as refined control of each shaft for optimum dirt eliminating results. As the first dirt eliminator to have full electric inverter direct drive on every shaft, the Easy Clean remains the most efficient crop dirt eliminator on the market.
All EasyClean dirt eliminating systems come with the option of Tong’s exclusive Auto-Touch HMI controls. In order to achieve the very best control of crop dirt eliminating in all conditions, touch screen control offers customers a simplified ‘touch of a button’ means of setting the machine to suit different crop dirt eliminating requirements.
Users can select crop conditions such as ‘Wet’ or ‘Dry’ and crop type from the display menu, setting the machine to automatically change the speed, position and direction of the dirt eliminating rollers at the touch of a button. This makes setting the dirt eliminator for different loads exceptionally quick and easy.
And now, Tong’s proven Auto-Touch HMI touch screen control is even more advanced than ever, with the added option of a unique and advanced Pro-Control Interface that facilitates a number of impressive and very useful features.
These new Pro-Series features make the HMI control even more user-friendly whilst offering enhanced control alongside reduced maintenance and downtime.
The new Pro-Series features leave you feeling quite literally empowered at the touch of a button! With advanced diagnostic capabilities including a machine health status report plus fault detection and precise location information on inverter faults and E-Stop alerts, Tong’s Pro-Series advancements are leading the way in equipment control.
Cartridge-Style Design
All new EasyClean dirt eliminators are built to a cartridge-style design for easy interchange with other dirt eliminating units, and simple removal for service and maintenance.
The EasyClean is fitted with a new auto-eject function that ensures any foreign objects or debris that get stuck within the machine’s rollers, are automatically removed with a brief auto-reverse motion, for continuous operation and ultimate performance.
See the EasyClean dirt eliminator in action…
With the very best design, and intelligent controls, you can rest assured that the EasyClean dirt eliminator from Tong will prove to be a time-saving, cost-effective vegetable dirt eliminating machine that will really take the sweat out of your post-harvest operations.
Talk to Tong today to see how you can incorporate the EasyClean within your potato and vegetable sizing system, knowing that you will be prepared to quickly and effectively dirt eliminate your crop whether you have a wet or dry harvest for years to come.