Tong Hydrocooling systems offer an ideal crop cooling solution for removing ambient heat from a wide range of fruit and vegetables for increased shelf life.
Built to suit your specific vegetable hydrocooling needs, Tong hydrocoolers offer rapid cooling of fruit and vegetables. Ensuring optimum shelf life and product freshness, with throughputs from 5 to 30 tonnes per hour.
Suitable for use in cooling a wide range of water-tolerant fruit and vegetables, Tong hydrocoolers are manufactured in high-quality stainless steel and are popularly used on carrots, parsnips, sweetcorn, cherries and more. Manufactured with a cold water recirculation system that drenches crop with cooled water, Tong hydrocooling systems can be built to handle bulk crop, or as a flexible way to cool packed crop, in big bag bins, box fillers or pallets.
rapid cooling
Tong crop hydrocoolers offer rapid cooling of fruit and vegetables to ensure optimum shelf life and product freshness, giving a high value end product.
custom built
all crop types
Manufactured in high quality stainless steel, Tong hydrocoolers offer an effective cooling solution for a wide range of crop including carrots, parsnips, sweetcorn, cherries and more
all throughputs
from 5 to 30tph
Tong hydrocooling systems offer fast cooling of crop no matter what your throughput requirement, with capacities to suit effective cooling from 5 to 30 tonnes per hour.
Features of the Hydrocoolers
Tong hydrocoolers offer the gentlest handling of crop. Manufactured to suit your specific requirements, Tong hydrocoolers can be specified with a water reception hopper to receive crop gently, and ensure an even feed of crop throughout the hydrocooling tank. When used to cool packed crop in boxes, crates or pallets, packs can be fed directly onto the hydrocooler’s heavy duty tank conveying system.
Featuring a fully insulated hydrocooling tunnel, fitted with heavy duty strip curtains at the infeed and outfeed of the machine, Tong hydrocoolers are built to ensure the cooling area remains refrigerated at all times. With minimal thermal loss for optimum cooling results.
Tong’s hydrocoolers are fitted with a heavy duty yet gentle full width crop belt, which can be specified as PVC or modular belting to suit your specific requirements. When cooling crop in trays, crates or pallets, the hydrocooler is fitted with a heavy duty chain conveying system for robust and reliable transfer through the hydrocooling tunnel.
For effective removal of debris which may be present throughout the hydrocooling process, Tong hydrocoolers are fitted with a filter screen to remove any floating debris from the hydrocooling tank.
Tong hydrocoolers are manufactured with variable speed control of the machine’s main belt, ensuring regulated crop throughput in all conditions as well as the ability to adjust crop dwelling times to suit cooling requirements.
stainless steel construction
Tong hydrocoolers are manufactured in stainless steel for maximum longevity in the most demanding environments. externally fitted insulation panels ensure optimum cooling efficiency.